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Mental Health, Daily Self Care & Self Love

World Mental Health Day is observed on October 10th every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

While it’s no secret that months of lockdowns, isolation and social distancing have taken their toll on the people around the world, not enough discussion lies around the impact on the world’s mental health crisis. Even less discussion around possible solutions and cures. The health pandemic will create lasting mental health issues for almost everyone unless education and self-directed tools are freely given to everyone.

Honestly, during the first three months of the health pandemic, I was housebound in our home, and even with ALL THE TOOLS, I still struggled. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like without yoga, meditation, breathing exercises (pranayama), proper nutrition, Ayurveda and sound healing. I know these self-directed techniques need to be taught to EVERYONE now. We must educate our younger generations as well. Self-care as it relates to emotions, mood, and the physical body has long been absent from the educational curriculum. This needs to be shifted.

Depression, anxiety and trauma are on the rise to epidemic proportions. Suicide rates have tripled, especially in disenfranchised populations like military veterans (average 20/day), those under 20 years old, and senior citizens. Calls to crisis hotlines are at an all-time high.  

I believe this mental health crisis will have far longer-lasting implications than the pandemic itself.

I offer several interactive social media pages (and groups) where you can plug in, (all for free right now), for a source of information, all with natural support.

A YouTube Channel ( offering free yoga practices, including breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation.

Keep a journal. Write in it daily Write down what you're thankful for. Jot down your mood or thoughts.

Reach out for help if you feel like you are alone or sinking into depression or despair.

I am currently building a self care & self love challenge. Additional resources will be available on my social media pages listed above.

Take care of yourself.



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