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Nature's Canvas:

Creating Affirmation Cards Through Art




Life  can be a challenging journey, but finding ways to cope can make all difference. Incorporating Art and Nature affirmations into your daily routine can help you stay grounded and find peace amidst the chaos. Take a moment to connect with the beauty around you and remind yourself of your strength and resilience in all the roles you play.  

Join me for a workshop creating affirmation cards with things that you can find right in your own backyard and in your home, plus a small supply list. I will offer suggestions and a list of affirmations to help get you started (printable) in the group.

These affirmation cards can be uplifting to teens, college students and a great gratitude "thank you".  This will be a fun workshop for yourself, as a gift or with friends. 

Affirmations - How they help

Affirmations are a self-help strategy used to promote self-confidence and belief in your own abilities.

These simple statements help shift your focus away from perceived failures or inadequacies and direct your focus toward your strengths — those you already have and those you want to develop.

Creating a mental image of yourself doing something — like acing a nerve-wracking interview or conquering your fear of heights by bungee jumping — activates many of the same brain areas that actually experiencing these situations would. 

Regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow.

Nature's Canvas Affirmation Cards workshop will take place over (3) three days and will be in a private FB group where you can ask questions and interact with others. There will be step-by-step instruction with plenty of freedom to tap into your creative side and make your own masterpieces.  Inside the group you will be able to download the suggested supply list, as well as affirmations (feel free to come up with your own), door prizes and more. You may even want to create more than one set of Nature's Canvas Affirmation Cards. 

July 14th-16th  at 7PM ET
Welcome to our Nature's Canvas Affirmation Cards
workshop enrollment page.
We are excited to have you join us.
To enroll: fill out the registration form and submit your payment. We look forward to seeing you soon.
You will be invited to our private FB group
where the action happens! 

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